Monday, July 21, 2008

UPT - Balai Bahasa Universitas Malahayati at Glance

Language Centre (Language Centre) Malahayati University has duties to develop students’ skill in Languages and facilitate students from Malahayati University or Outside in improving their English or other languages. And we focus on students English proficiency in order to Form and facilitate students to be qualified students and skill full in the global competitive era by improving their English or other foreign language.

Language Centre (Language Centre) Malahayati University has duties to develop students’ skill in Languages and facilitate students from Malahayati University or Outside in improving their English or other languages. And we focus on students English proficiency in order to Form and facilitate students to be qualified students and skill full in the global competitive era by improving their English or other foreign language


8 class rooms, 1 language laboratory, 1 multimedia class and 1 staff room. All of class rooms are equipped by modern facilities.

The programs

  1. General English Program,
  2. English for Medical,
  3. English for Nursing,
  4. English for Midwifery,
  5. English for Academic,
  6. Business English,
  7. In House Training (for out side class),
  8. English for Conversation,
  9. Mandarin ,
  10. ELT Training,
  11. TOEFL Program and Preparatory,
  12. TOEIC Program and Preparatory,
  13. English for International Nursing.
  14. The new program for students is EIC – Matriculation, it’s as one of fulfilled requirement before the students follow the final examination and as the international standardize for students of Malahayati University.
  15. International Student Exchange Program

Board of Management

MR. Wahyu Dani (DIRECTOR)

MR. Purwanto (Administration Affair

MR. Delta (Academic Coordinator)

MR. Sofyan (Extra Class Coordinator)

MR. Mangatur ( Coordinator of Language Translator

MR. Ridwan (Teacher)

MR. Nardianto (Teacher)

MR. Hasan ( Teacher)

MR. Christ (Native Speaker)

MS. Desi (Teacher)

MR. Deden (General Affair)


IV. 5 Cooperation

a. Bank Indonesia Bandar lampung, in Providing IHT (In house Training) and Translation

b. ITC – ETS, as TOEIC International Test Provider

c. RELO – US Embassy, In Expertise, Workshop, Development and Training

d. UPT-Pusat Bahasa ITB, in Developing academic and non-academic

e. IIEF Jakarta, as TOEFL-ITP Provider

f. SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung, assisting In Building English Integrated skill and TOEFL Preparation.

g. POLTEKES, assisting In Building English Integrated skill and TOEFL Preparation

h. Lampung Government, in providing English teacher training and Students throughout Lampung.